Lenel Place Water and Wastewater Main Replacement

Lenel Place Water and Wastewater Main Replacement Project Header

ARS provided Civil Engineering, Land Surveying, and QL-A SUE services required to develop construction plans and specifications for Dallas Water Utilities (DWU)-owned or operated water/wastewater main replacements, relocations and appurtenance adjustments in order to clear proposed paving, drainage, and miscellaneous improvements in Lenel Place from Lively Lane to Mixon.

Services Provided

Preliminary Investigation

Right-of-Way and Topographic Surveying

Quality Level A SUE

Base Mapping

Pipe Sizing and Material Specification

Horizontal and Vertical Pipe Alignment

General Contract Services


Water construction plans to replace approximately 4,000 LF of existing 8-inch cast iron water main with new 8-inch PVC water main

Wastewater construction plans to replace approximately 500 LF of existing 10-inch wastewater main with new 10-inch PVC wastewater main